Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Queen Walk to GoWiWi Town Hall 11 3-Star Attack Strategy

Queen Walk to GoWiWi Town Hall 11 3-Star Attack Strategy

What Bases will this Work Against?

Queen Walk to GoWiWi TH11 3-Star Base
Now to get the 3-star against a Max Town Hall 11 with this strategy, you will need to attack a certain type of base layout. This base has been pretty popular recently and works perfectly for the strategy.

Eagle Artillery: You need to go up against a base that has the eagle defense somewhere outside of the middle, as you will use your queen to take that out before sending in the main force.

Air Defense: Another thing that you have to look for is the Air Defense placement. It is best if they are close together in the middle, just like this base is. You need the Air D to be away from the area that you are going to queen walk, as they will tear through your healers.

Wall Structure: You want to go against bases that have a pretty open layout without too many compartments. You will open up these compartments with an Earthquake and your witches will have free range to walk all over the base. This base is perfect because we can open up the compartments while damaging some of the high damage defenses (single inferno/wizard tower/x-bow)

What Troops/Spells do I use?

Queen Walk to GoWiWi TH11 3-Star Army Composition
  • Heroes: You will need high level heroes to 3-Star max th11s. This attacker has close to max on this example (40 King/40 Queen/17 Warden) so I am not sure how low that you can have yours and still pull off the 3. I would highly suggest King and Queen in the high 30’s and Warden in the high teens to try this. 
  • 2x Golem: You can either build 2 in your camps, or bring one in your camp and one in your Clan Castle. We brought one in the Clan Castle with a giant to soak up a couple extra hits. 
  • 7x Witches: You will need to have your witches up to max level to pull this off. The extra 2 skeletons per spawn is critical. 
  • 4x Healers: These will be dropped with your queen to keep her alive during the queen walk. 
  • 7x Wall Breakers: We brought 7 for this attack because they have level 10 walls (need 3 to break in) and we had two spots that we need to destroy. The extra WB is there incase we have one hit a trap or get shot on his way to the wall. 
  • 13x Wizards: You can experiment with your witch/wizard ratio, we have found this ratio working well for us. 
  • 2x Minions: The minions are brought to either help the queen take down pups if you draw a Hound in CC during the walk, or to snipe extra % near the end of the battle. 
  • 4x Earthquake (3 in factory, 1 in CC): Since everyone is using hounds in their CC’s these days, we have been building 3 Earthquakes with one in the clan castle. This lets you bring another elixir spell 
  • 2x Rage: Place in key areas to help your army destroy the base 
  • 2x Freeze: Used on Inferno towers to protect tanks (single) or witches/wiz (multi)

How do I Attack with this Strategy?

This attack is going to be split into two phases; Queen Walk and Main Force. I would say that it is best practice to place your earthquakes before the battle begins. We are going to place the earthquake on the corner of that X-Bow near the Archer Queen (pictured in brown below). On this base, we are attacking from that side because it will allow us to take out both the queen and the Single target Inferno tower early in the battle.
Queen Walk to GoWiWi TH11 3-Star EQ Placement

Phase 1: Queen Walk

Queen Walk to GoWiWi TH11 3-Star Queen Walk
The main goal of this Queen walk is to take out the Eagle defense, then have the queen meet back up with your attack force. The picture below displays where to place the queen/healers, the path that she will go (red numbers are the order that she will destroy the buildings) and where to place the Wall Breakers (red X). She is going to start on the left side, clean out that whole top compartment, and meet back up with your force attacking from the 2:30 clock position. If she starts getting low, you can keep her alive with her ability, or with a rage on her and the healers. On this attack there was a hidden big bomb near the dark barracks/archer tower that took her down to red health, we used her ability and she survived for the rest of the battle.

Phase 2: Main Attack Force

As soon as the queen clears out the top compartment, you are going to drop your main force. I usually place golems first, drop wall breakers to open compartment (red x), half your wiz, then witches, heroes, and finally the rest of your wiz. It is a safe bet to save a wizard and your minions until the end.
Rage: Place rage in the areas pictured below (purple circles). Place them once the bulk of your skeletons enter the area.
Freeze: We are going to drop the first freeze on the single target inferno a couple seconds after it targets a tank (golems or hero). I always try and get the Clan Castle troops frozen with this spell as well. It makes them much easier to deal with. The second freeze we will drop on the multi inferno as soon as it starts targeting some witches/wiz. You have to be perfect on the freezes in a witch attack, as a few seconds could cost you half your army.
Hero Skills: I like using the warden skill as soon as the first freeze wears off, it gives you a couple of seconds of invulnerability and then you can freeze the multi inferno right after. Queen skill we had to use to keep her alive during the queen walk, as she stepped on a big bomb and got low. King skill I usually use when he is around 40%.
Queen Walk to GoWiWi TH11 3-Star earthquake and rage  


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