Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

New Attack Strategy to 3 Star Top Town Hall 9 War Base with GoHo Healer in Clash of Clans

New Attack Strategy to 3 Star Top Town Hall 9 War Base with GoHo Healer in Clash of Clans

Golems and Hog Riders are regularly used to take out Town Hall 9 bases. You can find hundreds of videos about GoHo attack. Today I'm gonna show you a essentric attack strategy that involves Archer Queen, Healer, Golems, Hogs, Wizards and Witches to 3 star a high level Town Hall 9. 

Army Composition:
-3 Golems (2 level 4 and 1 level 5 from cc troops) 
- 1 Healer (level 4 maxed)
- 6 Wizards (level 5)
- 2 Witches (level 2 maxed)
- 19 Hog Riders (level 5 maxed)
- 3 Wall Breakers (level 5)
- 2 Giants (level 6)
- 2 Ballooons (level 6 maxed)
- 3 Minions (level 5)
- 1 Rage Spell (level 5 maxed)
- 1 Jump Spell (level 2)
- 1 Poison Spell (level 2)
- 2 Healing Spells (level 6)
- Barb King (level 12)
- Archer Queen (level 14)

The King and Queen are not high level enough to deal damage efficiently so the Wizards are there to support them.

Mind that this army composition is not commonly used becaue it takes so much units and are difficult to deploy. The inventor of this strategy had practiced for a few times before he successfully 3 star a high level Town Hall 9 so if you're looking for efficiency this is not for you. But if you like something unique you may try this army formation and see if you can 3 star some tough bases too.

Base Scout of High level Town Hall 9:


Firstly, this is a typical Town Hall 9 base layout that has asymmetric building formation. Irregular base formation is more difficult to take out than symmetric one. In this particular base, the defending Archer Queen is in the center. So which direction to attack from won't make that much difference. (Archer Queen is very good at defense that's why we need to take her down first)

Secondly, although using 3 Golems, a dozen Hogs, some WiWi can take down this base. But 3 Golems take up so much housing space that you can only have limited amount of Hogs. If some Hogs are bounced off by Spring Traps you won't have enough left to end the battle. That's one of the reason the attacker made some changes in army composition and deployment to deal with this problem.

1. Drop 1 Golem and a Healer behind to soak up damage. Drop a Wizard and a Minion to clean outside buildings. Then Drop the Queen. 


Note: the Wizard and Minion can prevent the Queen from wondering off.

2. When the Queen walks to the corner, drop a Wizard to help speeding up the process ( if you have a higher level Queen you can spare the Wizard).

3. Drop 1 Golem and 3 Wizards to attack the right side of the base. When the defenses are aiming at them, put 2 Wall Breakers to open the Walls with Witches.


Note: during this time the 1st Golems and 1st Wizard is still dealing damage under the healing effect of Healer. The Queen is busying taking out buildings unharmed. The Golem is also soaking up damage from X-Bow so that your Queen is safe.

4. Drop the Barb King to enter the base. When the 2rd Golem took out those Archer Towers, drop a Jump Spell for them to go deeper and alert the defending cc troops.


5. Drop a Poison Spell to kill all cc troops (in this case some Archers, Withes and Wizards). The Golem would trigger the Giant Bomb to make Hog Riders rush smooth.


6. Drop a Rage Spell when the Barb King, Archer Queen and Witches get to the core.

7. Drop a Giant (in blue)  at the north to tank, and 3 Hog Riders (in orange) a team to take out each tower.


Note: the 1st Golem (in yellow) had divided into 2 golemites and blew up the Walls. Hog Riders are afraid of Wizard Tower but as you can see from the above picture the Healer is healing the Hogs so they'd be safe from the AOE.

8. Drop a Giant(in orange circle) at the west side to tank the 3 defense towers and keep the 3-Hogs-a-team strategy to take out the remaining towers.


Note: now the units from east and north are continuing dealing damage and penetrating into the core. Remember to drop a Healing Spell at the Hogs when the Healer is down.


9. Drop Balloons at the south and the last team of Hogs to complete the attack circle.

10. Drop the last Healing Spell when all units are gathering at the center 


11. Drop a few Minions to help cleaning the remaining buildings and end the war.


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